Bread and Fred Mobile

Bread and Fred Mobile

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Check out this fantastic platformer where you have a unique opportunity to take the role of a penguin climber! Let your buddy come along with you and prepare to fulfil the greatest journey you have ever had! Try the android version and get all the experience through your phone.

Get ready for the ascending

Before you start this incredible pursuit, Bread and Fred invites you to take a look at the art of climbing via the instruction book in your house. Go through several amusing illustrations to understand how the controls work and what you should expect from your adventure.

If you are playing the game with a partner, make sure they get familiar with the rules as well, or you will have too many reasons for arguing. You depend on each other, so failing for one member of the duet means failing for another one, too. Keep this in mind and be careful when performing dangerous tricks over deep pits!

However, if you still feel like this mission is too easy for you, there is an extremely difficult option for you! How about accelerating a little bit and going for the time record? Turn on the speedrun mode and see how quickly you can finish the race. Do this paired with a stone or with a living companion, in case you wish to test all your abilities.

How to play Bread and Fred

The main point of Bread and Fred is to master the communication between you and your friend. Listen to each other and don’t jump anywhere without warning! Let someone stay on the ground or cling to the platform and the other one can sway to the needed side.

Count to three and off you go! Don’t rely on the rope too much, as the penguins are not the strongest creatures and can hold big weights for too long. The timing is also important, or else you are just going to fall down. And of course, note that northern lands are often covered with slippery ice that you have no chance to hang on to.

Get to your final destination and enjoy the immense sky covered with northern lights! Bread and Fred surely has various colourful locations for you to explore, so engage yourself into investigation completely!

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